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  • Compatibility Matching Profile

Comptaibility Matching Profile


Specialty of the Report

       A perfect match making with the proposed individual to ensure overall happiness in life.
       Create unstoppable momentum in your life by adhering the remedies.
       Ask additional questions to live a life that you love and live it with passion and power.

For giving you best possible services, we suggest unique remedial measures. Due care is taken while analyzing your horoscope and suggesting usually inexpensive remedies. Our remedies are safe and result oriented.

Marriage today is in a state of disintegration with more broken families everywhere than found ever before. The increasing fragility of marriage across the globe can be directly attributed to the finalizing marriages without matching of charts. The percentage of disaster is much lower in this case than in an unmatched condition. Ignorance of people and strong prejudice against astrology are two main reasons for not matching the charts before marriage. Many a times, horoscope matching is entrusted to a family priest / pundit who have little knowledge about astrology. Majority of cases can benefit out of the judicious use of the principles of horoscope matching, if done by a competent Vedic astrologer to avoid serious mishaps.

If you want to know about your matching with your proposed spouse / relationship, this report offers you lifetime predictions on the basis of your horoscope erected with the help of your date, time and place of birth. We will provide you insights into all the facets of the match making with accurate timing of it happening.

Technical Specifications of our report

   Accurate Astronomical calculations.
   Provides you with only pertinent and related information and Pinpoint predictions regarding your long term relationships & marriage..

Report Content

   Your Birth Ascendant, Moon Sign according to Vedic Astrology.
   Complete Horoscope with all relevant astronomical charts.

We are dedicated to do a thorough professional task to satisfy you….

Mode of consultation

  1. Written report via email - Delivery time - 4 -5 working days from payment.
  2. OR
  3. Online Zoom Consultation - 40 minutes on mutually agreed time within 4 – 5 days of payment.
  4. OR
  5. In Person Consultation in Chamber - with Prior appointment, for local clients.

$90.00 US Dollars for payments from outside India.

Rs 3000/- for payments from within India.