
Is Astrology a Science?


Astrology gives knowledge of the celestial bodies, their magnitudes, motions, distances etc. It is a unique method of interpretation of the correlation of planetary influence. Can it be called as a science? What is the definition & characteristics of science?

Science can be defined as knowledge of facts, laws & proximate causes, gained and verified by exact observation which helped in formulating results in a systematic way. Astrology perfectly fits into this definition. The concept & results were accumulated and established over a period of thousands of years of observations.

The first principle upon which the Science of Astrology rests is that the universe is actually what the term implies a unity. A law which if found in manifestation in one portion of the universe must also be equally operative throughout the whole. Consequently, laws operating in the whole Solar System are also applicable on all living being of this universe.

The second principle is that by a study of the motions of the planets, the operations of these laws may be observed, measured and determined for further applications in human life.

"The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in a relation with the motions of the universe."by Louis Pasteur

The third principle upon which Astrology, like all other branches of science rests is that the subject is dynamic & not static. The rules are subject to get modified along with the passage of time. Therefore, the subject is always on a developing note.

The fourth principle upon which Astrology, like all other branches of science rests is that the subject has its own limitations. Everything cannot be predicted in astrology, as our knowledge regarding the universe is also not complete & foolproof.

Today, no individual can afford to ignore astrology, which offers them a conclusive proof that everything on this earth, including man, is subject to mathematical & geometrical laws.