
Do's And The Don'ts


Today, no individual can afford to ignore astrology, which offers them a conclusive proof that everything on this earth, including man, is subject to mathematical & geometrical laws. Astrology is a science of tendencies. Trends in the life of an individual can be foreseen accurately. It is within the parameters of these trends that man must act to maximize the opportunities and minimize the adversities as every human being experiences ups & downs in life.

Once you know your immediate need

       Select a competent astrologer exercising your wisdom and judgment.

    Remember that God has given you the wisdom but utilizing it efficiently and to your advantage lies with you.

       Ask your astrologer to do a SWOT analysis for you.

    Identify your strengths, weaknesses, areas of opportunities and threats in every sphere of life. Get a proper counseling on these from your astrologer. Once you know the above and the techniques of handling the same, you can start implementing the same in your life. It will give you results from day one.

       Get to know the Do's & the Don'ts.

    You can moderate your life accordingly and can get direct fruitful benefits out of the same.

       Adhere strictly to the remedies prescribed and wait for a reasonable period. Good results are bound to come.

    Note that there is no subject in this earth which can change the destiny in totality. Partial modification, on a case to case basis can be possible which can neutralize the ill effects to a maximum of 30 to 40%. Once you have selected your astrologer, have faith in him and give him time to prove himself. Do not change astrologers frequently as it will only add to confusion as every astrologer has his own technique of interpretation. Chances are that you will end up with contradictory results.

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water"-- by Rabindranath Tagore